My Course!

As far back as I can remember, I’ve been aware of and able to hear my inner voice.  Because of this, I’ve always talked to myself.  But I didn’t do it out loud, of course.  As a young child, I viewed my inner voice as “me” saying all the things I didn’t want to say out loud.  I took everything she said as truth, but I did argue with her.  I didn’t always win the argument, but looking back on it now, that was quite a sophisticated thing for me to do so young!  My inner voice was always talking and I was always listening (and talking back).  There was, and still is, a constant dialogue.  I consider myself lucky for this because being connected to her has always been easy, but it was learning to nurture that connection that changed my life. 


By nurture, I mean: develop, tend to, encourage, support, protect, cherish, and cultivate. 


Learning to nurture my inner voice benefited me by: 

  • boosting my confidence and self-esteem

  • keeping me motivated, disciplined, focused, and organized

  • guiding me to make better choices 

  • keeping me connected to my authentic self

  • limiting my comparison to others

  • supporting me to celebrate myself

  • encouraging me to take care of myself

  • giving me so much inner peace  


Let me briefly tell you what led to this shift.  I can’t remember the moment that it happened, but I do remember the pattern I recognized.  I started to notice that if I was in a good headspace walking into class, work, a meeting, etc, I felt open and positive.  But if I was in a bad headspace, I might feel negative and bitter.  It also seemed impossible for me to come out of it!  How could the same exact scenario make me feel 2 totally different ways when nothing else significant was happening?  So I paid attention.  I realized the culprit was my inner voice.  What she said—and our dialogue—always set the tone.

So I paid more attention.  When she was negative or critical, I noticed that her words spread so quickly!  It led to a thought spiral, then to a feeling, and ultimately my behavior followed suit.  I was trying to figure out a way to stop that from happening . . . and then it hit me.  If my inner voice was “me” and everything I didn’t want to say out loud, then couldn’t I just talk to myself?  Couldn’t I just address it?  Couldn’t I ask what I needed to feel better?  Couldn’t I just flip the thoughts?  So this is what I started to do.  And it worked (most of the time).

So I paid even more attention.  I recognized that sometimes my inner voice wasn’t being truthful.  Like she was telling outright lies!  Why?  Where were these even coming from?  I started learning more about the brain.  And shit really started clicking.  Throw in some self-discovery books and it was on.  I learned new tools from other people–which I adjusted to fit my life–and made up some tools of my own.  And it has evolved from there!  I don’t want to give too much away, because duh, that’s what the course is about!  


I’m here to tell you that my positive, loving, and kind inner voice and thoughts FAR OUTWEIGH the negative and critical ones.  And you can have this too!  With some awareness, education of how your brain works, new tools, and consistency, you can totally change the way you speak to yourself . . . and your life will start looking very different.  I took everything I have used, and still use, and put it in the course.  

Does this sound like something you would like to address in your own life?  Let me tell you about it!  I want to keep it simple and easy to read, so stay tuned for a lot of bullet points.  


It’s pre-recorded and ready to utilize as soon as you purchase it.  I created it to be completed: 

  • online

  • by yourself

  • at your own pace

  • in the environment of your choosing


There are 14 videos and 18 exercises.  You watch a brief video and then complete a related exercise or two.  Each exercise and video builds on one another. 


It’s broken down into 4 chapters:  

  1. What is Your Inner Voice?  

  2. Awareness and Self-Talk.  

  3. Mind-Body Connection. 

  4. What To Do With Unwanted Thoughts


Let me give you the main highlights from each chapter.  

Chapter 1.  All about the inner voice.

  • What the inner voice is and how to get in touch with yours 

  • Discover 3 truths about your inner voice

  • Meet your inner bestie and inner bully

  • Get to know your Best Self and Anti-Self


Chapter 2.  Ties together the importance of self awareness to manage your inner voice and self-talk. 


  • Identity some of your most critical thoughts 

  • Learn why your inner bully is so strong

  • Execute a dynamic and transformative exercise that dives deep into the relationship between your inner bestie and inner bully 

  • Use journal prompts to reflect on all that’s discovered (because there’s a lot)


Chapter 3.  The focus is how your mind and body are connected and tuned into one other. 

  • Explore the chain of events that shows how a single thought can produce a behavior

  • Analyze the same scenario using a negative thought and a positive one (the difference is wild!)

  • Learn the similarities between thoughts and your inner voice

  • Examine one of my favorite Dr. Daniel Amen quotes about thoughts


Chapter 4.  Alllllll about what to do with those unwanted thoughts.  I present 4 choices.

  • Learn how to use all 4 ways to deal with unwanted thoughts

  • Explore the negative effects and positive benefits of your self-talk

  • Clearly define what self-compassion is and why it’s important 

  • Discuss a thought spiral and what to do to interrupt the pattern


This course is for you if:

  • Your critical inner voice is difficult to tame

  • You find more faults than strengths about yourself

  • Your negative thoughts cause you to spiral

  • Your mind can take over and ruin your mood/day

  • Your self-talk can be quite negative


After the course is complete, you will have:

  • A better understanding of how your mind works

  • A roadmap to literally change the way your speak to yourself

  • New tools to use daily that will help you master your mind

  • Greater awareness of your what your inner voice and thoughts are saying

  • Tangible steps to help you create a more positive inner voice


Okay, what do you think?  If reading this excites you and you’re ready to spend the time creating a more positive inner voice, then what in the hell are you waiting for?!  You’re my people.  CLICK HERE!

If this is something you want to do, but there’s fear holding you back, I get it.  That’s your inner bully at play.  You will learn how to calm her in this course.  Also, keep in mind that NO ONE has to see what you write down for the exercises, but you.  You can completely do this course solo—with no judgment from anyone else.  You can go as fast or as slow as you would like.  Everything is on your terms.  

If this isn’t for you, thanks for reading anyway!  Please feel free to come back if you ever change your mind.


I’ll leave you with my all-time favorite quote from the GREAT Maya Angelou.  

“Do the best you can until you know better.  Then when you know better, do better.”  

I truly believe this course will teach you some things that will inspire you to do better. 


Thinking about getting a Life Coach? Wanna work with me?

Check out my Coaching Services HERE.

Or learn more about my self-guided course HERE.